Brought to You by:

Citizens Environment Alliance
Citizens Environment Alliance

Contact Us
Idle-Free Windsor
Ciitizens Environment Alliance
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Windsor Essex County Environment Committee

Welcome to Idle-Free Windsor!

In 2001, Windsor enacted an anti-idling by-law titled “A By-Law to Prohibit Excessive Idling of Vehicles and Boats” (By-Law No. 233-2001). In order to inform Windsor residents about this by-law, the Citizens Environment Alliance (CEA) of Southwestern Ontario and Southeastern Michigan developed an idle-reduction campaign in partnership with the City of Windsor, the Windsor-Essex County Environment Committee, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, and Human Resources and Social Development Canada.

In May 2006, the CEA hired two new staff members to head their new city-wide idle-reduction campaign called Idle-Free Windsor. The purpose of Idle-Free Windsor is to inform and educate Windsor residents about the dangers of vehicle idling. It also encourages Windsor motorists to reduce the amount of time they spend idling unnecessarily.

Idle-Free Windsor staff members have developed various print materials, this website (, educational presentations and workshops, promotional advertisements, curriculum-based lesson plans for grades 4 to 12, and display boards, all of which are meant to promote the idle-reduction message throughout the city of Windsor.

Our site is still under development so things may change quickly and often. We do have several sections well under way including Info and Links. To the left are direct links to Air Quality Ontario's pollutant readings for Windsor, ON. Bookmark our page to easily access these hourly-updated measurements.

Our Info section is filled with facts about climate change, vehicle emissions and anti-idling bylaws. Our Resources section contains helpful information packaged in convenient PDF files for teachers, students and the general public. The Kid's Page is still being conceptualized but it will have games, activities and info for kids of all ages. You can learn about the CEA and our other sponsors if you click on Contact Us. Of course if you want to know more about idling, its effects and other related topics, visit our collection of related Links.

Idle-Free Windsor

Idle-Free Windsor is an awareness campaign geared towards reducing idling on the streets of Windsor, ON.
1950 Ottawa St., Windsor Ontario.
Phone # (519)-973-1156
Fax # (519)-973-8360

Idle-Free Windsor is brought to you by the following support agencies and organizations.

Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario and Southeastern Michigan

The Citizens Environment Alliance (CEA) is a non-profit, grass-roots, binational, education and research organization. We are committed to an ecosystem approach to environmental planning and management.

The CEA was formed in 1985 by citizens concerned about spills from the (Sarnia) Chemical Valley into the St. Clair River (the Toxic blob), and how those spills affected the region's drinking water. Later, the CEA began to focus on the questions of toxins in the Great Lakes, as well as air quality throughout the transboundary area.

As the group has grown, so too have the issues of concern. These now include waste management, wetland and natural areas protection, environmental land use planning, energy use and the long-term implications of economic growth on the environment. The Alliance's annual activities since its inception have aimed at increasing public knowledge of the area ecosystems and the impact humans have on these systems.We are members of the Ontario Environment Network and the Canadian Environmental Network.

The CEA is registered with the Department of National Revenue as a charitable organization.

1950 Ottawa St., Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Phone #(519)-973-1116
Fax # (519)-973-8360
web site:


TD Friends of the Environment Foundation

Since it began in 1990, the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation has proudly supported the efforts of Canadians who are dedicated to the well-being of our environment.
web site: TD Friends of the Environment Foundation


HRSDC Canada

Human Resources and Social Development Canada is a federal organization designed to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of all Canadians by promoting a highly skilled and mobile workforce as well as an efficient and inclusive labour market.
web site: HRSDC



The Windsor Essex County Environment Committee (WECEC) was formed to protect and enhance the quality of the environment for residents in Windsor and Essex County by providing advice, guidance and counsel to City and County councils on policies and procedures and providing and supporting advocacy, community education and outreach programs.
(please include WECEC in subject heading)

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